I dream of Pici.



I dream of Pici. Visions of that plump pasta that stole my heart in Tuscany dance in my head. Pici is long, round and thick, like gnocchi rolled out into strands. I consider it spaghetti’s fat sister, and like many so many other plump siblings, Pici turned out to be the life of the party. Overlooked on a few menus at first, once discovered Pici figured into all of my remaining meals in Italy.

There was Pici with wild boar ragu, which was hearty and delicious. I was served Pici with some sort of vegetables which I mostly ignored, because­—well, vegetables. The best preparation by far was “pici con cacio y pepe,” which I conveniently abbreviated to “pici-pepe” which is ridiculously fun to say in a fake Italian accent. It is simply cheese and pepper and perfection in a bowl.

If you watch “No Reservations,” religiously like a good little foodie you’ll recognize “cacio y pepe” from the “Fellini” episode shot in Rome in season 6. Tony was so taken with the dish that he refused to name the restaurant  for fear of having it overrun by tourists. It is amazingly simple yet magnificently delicious.

Pici, cheese and pepper. The stuff dreams are made of.

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